Children of God, America is Playing with Fire

By: Lawrence E. Adjah, MBA, M.Ed, M.Div
Founder & Chairman, Family Dinner Foundation

Author of The 100 Marriage: Decisions + Declarations You Need to Make Before Getting Married

Children of God, America is playing with fire.

All it takes is a single spark to burn down an entire forest.

And the danger is not so much in the initial spark, but in the subsequent firestorm which ensues when the spark is not contained.

As it is with nature, so it is with human nature.

America is playing with fire and it's not only our nation which is the forest; it’s also the world.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus calls the children of God the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13). To be the salt of the earth is to be those who slow down the decay and destruction of the very place you (and I) were called to be in, but not of.

Being salt also means to be the very means of extinguishing fires, particularly small ones, because salt has a unique ability to form a barrier between the fire and the air, preventing it from getting the oxygen it needs to grow.

However, if “the salt” forgets its identity, aka when it loses its saltiness and distinctiveness, it can render itself useless, or worse, take on the nature of the very thing it was sent to preserve.

Children of God, have you forgotten who you are? You are not a passive bystander, you are not an instigating participant, you are an agent and an ambassador of the Most High God.

In the same book of Matthew, Jesus, a few verses earlier, says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matt 5:9)

If peacemaking, at this moment in history, were the qualifications to be called children of God, would He be calling you?

We, as a country, are in a deeply vulnerable state of affairs.

Right now, this moment is calling for the children of God to be the ambassadors of godliness, but the question is, will you, will I, will we, answer the call?

Did you know in Genesis, before God even creates and places us in the world, He brings order to the world?

Godliness brings order out of chaos, light out of darkness, and hope out of despair. Godliness breathes the harmony of Eden into the airwaves, vessels, and fiery conclaves of hell.

Where there is death, godliness speaks life.
Where there is war, godliness speaks peace.
Where there is uncertainty, godliness speaks clarity.
Where there is division, godliness speaks unity (and justice).

Children of God, America is playing with fire.

And smoke is bellowing from her embers.

But the good news is, even amongst its flames, God has the power to speak through the burning bush without anyone or anything else burning and being consumed by it altogether.

Children of God, America is playing with fire.

Will you be consumed by it, or will you be compelled (to godliness) by it?

May we be compelled to not be consumed. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen and Amen.

5 Practical Ways to Move in Godliness at This Time:

  • Pray for Your Leaders: Including Yourself & Others (Given your sphere of influence, digitally and in real life)
    “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

  • How to Speak Life: “Where there is death, godliness speaks life.”
    Honor lives preserved and lives lost with our words - regardless of who they are. The people of life do not celebrate, sell, or exploit death of any kind, especially at the end of violence. The power of life and death is in the tongue; those who love it will surely enjoy its fruit (Proverbs 18:21).
    Struggling to do it? What you speak comes out of what you consume; consider a fast from partisan media and social media, and consider an exclusive reading of Scripture this week.

  • How to Speak Peace: “Where there is war, godliness speaks peace.”
    Peacemakers are not merely peaceful themselves but are agents of peace in their communities and relationships. They work towards reconciliation, understanding, and harmony. Why? Because God, through Jesus, to have a relationship with us, stewarded and gifted peace.
    Option: Gather with a friend, or gather a group for lunch, dinner, prayer, or a workout, simply to fellowship, without political discussion unless for prayer.

  • How to Speak with Clarity: “Where there is uncertainty, godliness speaks clarity.”
    Consider fasting to hear from God this week (send me a message if you need a guide to help you).
    From Bullet #2: What you speak comes out of what you consume; consider a fast from partisan media, social media, and consider an exclusive reading of Scripture this week.

  • How to Foster Unity (and Justice): “Where there is division, godliness speaks unity (and justice).”
    At a minimum, godliness does not sow, encourage, or accelerate division. It is not oil on the fire. It speaks to the common good of all, not simply the good of “my own” but all of God’s own.

About Author:

Lawrence E. Adjah, MBA, M.Ed, M.Div., is an accomplished leader, best-selling author, and social entrepreneur dedicated to helping individuals and communities establish and strengthen their relationships with God, with other people (family, friends, neighbors) and themselves (mind & body). Known for addressing the issue of loneliness in the digital age, he founded the Family Dinner Foundation. Its key initiative, Our Family Dinner, reached nearly 50,000 young adults in 40 cities worldwide, fostering lifelong relationships through shared meals.

Adjah's work has been featured in Ebony, Black Enterprise, Essence, The Chicago & Miami Tribunes, and other nationally syndicated outlets. He also addresses mental health and wellness as a host and panelist for the Just Heal, Bro global tour. He authored the best-selling "The 100 Marriage: Decisions & Declarations You Need to Make Before Getting Married," offering guidance towards a prepared, lifelong marriage. Additionally, he narrated the audio version of the bible: "Lawrence E. Adjah Reads the Bible: New International Version (NIV)" (Watch God Work™ Publishers - 2024).

A licensed and ordained Minister, certified marriage counselor, and chaplain, Adjah provides gospel-based counseling, spiritual direction, chaplaincy, and life coaching to professionals and organizations.

Beginning his career at McKinsey & Company after being an All-American track & field athlete, Adjah holds a B.A. from Harvard, an MBA from Stanford's Graduate School of Business, an M.Ed from The University of Texas at Austin with distinction, and a M.Div from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, receiving the Preaching Award and the John D. Tate award.

Lawrence serves as President Emeritus of the Board of Directors for The Harvard Black Alumni Society (HBAS). Lawrence also serves on the Board of Directors for the Urbanworld Film Festival and formerly served on the national Board of New City Kids.

Posted on July 15, 2024 .