How to Keep Your Heart Warm in an Increasingly Cold World

Do not let the condition of this world change the condition your heart.

When speaking of the end times Jesus said, “because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12)

When you look around at what’s happening in the world, what’s happening across your social media feeds, and what’s happening in our nation, it seems, increasingly, that there has been a uptick in wickedness and a growing frigidity of our hearts.

It’s not that there isn’t love, per se. It’s that fewer people are willing to love…others. This is the love God speaks of, the agape love which seeks the good of others.

Love ceases to be love when it ceases with oneself.

If you’ve ever resisted standing for what’s right (loving) because of the risks associated with it, if you’ve ever did wrong because the prevalence of others doing it, if you’ve never considered how what you say, think or do, aligns with what God has said, thought or has done, it is possible your love may have lost its warmth.

But the good news is a cold heart is no match when it sits under power of the s(o)n.

Great and practical ways to resist this cold, hardening of your heart is through:

  • Clean Consumption & Function: Filtering your consumption towards things that are more edifying to your soul (mind, what you read, watch and listen to) - ask yourself, how is this helping me embrace a God honoring life?

    This is what pursuing holiness looks like, because living in opposition to God’s ways hardens your heart (Heb 3:13)

  • Radical Giving: Through cheerful generosity of time, talent and/or treasure in every season life. Noting sheds a love of self quicker than giving of yourself to something or someone else.

    Because It’s difficult for your heart to harden when someone or something you love is resting on it.

Lord, by your Spirit, may you keep our hearts open, and may you keep our love warm. May we see love in obedience and find obedience to love. And may, “the hope of the righteous be gladness: and may the expectations of the wicked perish.” (Proverbs 10:28) In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen and Amen

Posted on May 3, 2024 .